What Jobs Can I Do With A Teaching Degree Besides Teach?

What Jobs Can I Do With A Teaching Degree Besides Teach? Jobs For Former Teachers

What Jobs Can I Do With A Teaching Degree Besides Teach? As a teacher, you have the privilege of imparting knowledge and inspiring students. But if you’re ready for something new and don’t know what other jobs are out there that use your teaching degree? Never fear!

There are plenty of opportunities to leverage your skills beyond the traditional classroom setting. In this article, we’ll explore some exciting career possibilities for teachers who want to take their talents in another direction.

From education-adjacent roles such as curriculum design to completely different fields like marketing or consulting, there’s no shortage of ways to make the most of your educational background.

Ready to find out what else is out there? Let’s dive in!

Human Resources

Human Resources

With a degree in education, there are many possibilities for those who don’t want to teach. One of them is human resources.

Human resource professionals use their knowledge and skills from their degree in education to hire teachers and other staff members for schools and organizations. They can also oversee personnel issues, such as performance reviews, disciplinary actions and employee satisfaction surveys. Additionally, they may be responsible for creating onboarding programs or coaching new employees on how to use the organization’s systems.

It’s an important role that requires strong communication and organizational skills which many educators have acquired through their training. This makes it a great fit for someone with a teaching degree looking to transition into a different field without having to start over again from scratch.

With its focus on people management and problem-solving, this job offers a unique challenge that draws upon the expertise developed while studying teaching.

Moving onto corporate training…

Corporate Training

Moving on from human resources, corporate training offers another great opportunity for those with a teaching degree. With this type of job, you can use your education degree to help students in different ways outside of the classroom. Corporate training also provides an excellent career change if you’re looking for jobs to transition away from traditional teaching roles and find other jobs for ex-teachers.

Corporate training has become increasingly popular as more businesses are seeing how important it is to have trained employees who understand their organization’s goals and values. In this role, school teachers can utilize their skillset in instruction design, facilitation, assessment and evaluation to create tailored courses that meet the needs of each company they work with.

This involves creating content that is both engaging and informative while keeping learners motivated throughout the course duration. In addition to helping existing employees develop new skills or brush up on old ones, corporate trainers may also be responsible for onboarding activities such as orientations and introductions to organizational culture.

They’ll need to be able to answer questions about these topics from new hires and provide guidance when necessary. All of this requires strong communication and presentation skills – qualities that many professionals with a teaching background already possess!

As we move into discussing curriculum development next, consider how your past teaching experience can help you make an impact in the corporate world.

Curriculum Development

I have a teaching degree and am looking for something to do beyond the traditional role of a teacher. One area that I find fascinating is curriculum development, utilizing my knowledge from my teaching degree to create lesson plans, educational programs, and more in the field of education.

Curriculum development requires an understanding of the fundamentals behind instruction and learning. As someone with a background in education, I already understand some of these principles which will aid me when creating relevant materials for students at any level. Additionally, being able to use technology as part of the process has helped me stay up-to-date with modern trends so that my products are useful and effective.

The ability to be creative while still staying within certain guidelines makes curriculum development engaging work that can make a real difference in student’s lives. With this job opportunity comes great responsibility since it involves shaping minds through quality content.

Understanding the importance of this task has made me even more passionate about tackling projects related to curriculum development. As I move forward in my career path towards life coaching, having experience in curriculum development prepares me well for developing strategies for success with clients on an individual basis.

Life Coaching

When you have a teaching degree, there are many other avenues to explore beyond the classroom. One such position is that of life coaching – a career counselor who still wants to help students develop and reach their goals.

Here’s why it could be an ideal fit for those with experience in the education field:

  1. You already understand how to motivate and encourage others.
  2. You can use your knowledge of different learning styles when working with clients to identify which strategies work best for them.
  3. Your background in education gives you insight into the academic world, while also helping you better understand any challenges they may face on their journey towards success.
  4. In addition to traditional methods like one-on-one counseling sessions, you can offer specialized services such as museum tours or tutoring sessions tailored specifically for each client’s needs.

Life coaching provides teachers with an alternative outlet for using their skills and abilities outside of the classroom setting, allowing them to continue making an impact on individuals without having to teach full-time anymore. Transitioning from teaching into this role requires dedication and patience; however, with the right mindset and resources at hand, anyone with a teaching degree can easily become successful in this new venture!

Educational Consulting

Educational Consulting

Moving on from life coaching, educational consulting can be a great career for those with teaching degrees. Educational consultants help students and teachers reach their goals through various forms of guidance and advice, both inside and outside the classroom. With a degree in education, plus several years of experience working in schools or related fields, you will have all the qualifications necessary to become an educational consultant.

A table is below which outlines some of the skills needed to succeed in this role:

Soft SkillsHard Skills
Problem SolvingAnalytical Thinking
Organizational AbilityPublic Speaking

Educational consultants use their soft and hard skills to evaluate student performance and recommend changes that could benefit them academically. They also provide support for teachers who want to improve instruction methods or create new curricula. Additionally, they offer services outside of education such as helping students navigate college applications and admissions processes.

By taking on roles such as these, individuals with teaching degrees are able to apply their knowledge far beyond traditional classrooms settings. This allows them to gain valuable experiences while continuing to help others achieve success in whatever field they choose. Instructional design may just be another way for teachers to continue doing what they love best – inspiring students!

Instructional Design

I’m sure many of us have thought about what to do with a teaching degree besides teach in the classroom. If you’re considering branching out, instructional design may just be your perfect fit!

Instructional designers create learning experiences for online teachers and students, combining knowledge from various fields including instructional theory, education, multimedia design, psychology and technology. This is an exciting job that requires creative solutions to learning problems and allows you to work with people all over the world!

Here are some points on how you can pursue a new career in instructional design:

  • Get additional training or continuing education: Many universities offer courses specifically designed for aspiring instructional designers. It’s also possible to gain relevant experience through volunteer opportunities or internships.
  • Take advantage of freelance opportunities: You can find projects related to instructional design by doing a simple search online. Working as a freelancer gives you more freedom and flexibility when it comes to managing your time and workload.
  • Explore different types of roles: There are many jobs available for those looking to get into this field – from content creator, analyst, consultant or project manager – so don’t limit yourself!

No matter which route you decide to take, taking the plunge into instructional design will open up new doors for your professional development. With a bit of extra effort and dedication, you could soon be working as part of the team designing educational materials for learners around the globe!



Moving on from instructional design, tutoring is another job option for people with a teaching degree. It allows teachers to use their experience and knowledge in the classroom to help students one-on-one outside of the normal school setting.

Tutors are able to provide students more individualized attention than they may find in a traditional classroom environment. They can work with students and teachers, helping those who need extra guidance with specific topics or skills. Teachers may also choose to tutor as part of their overall career path.

This type of teaching offers them greater flexibility when it comes to working hours, location and availability. Additionally, tutoring provides an opportunity for teachers to stay engaged in the educational process without having to commit full time to classroom teaching.

Tutoring is a great way for experienced teachers to continue utilizing their teaching expertise beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting. By working with individuals or small groups, tutors have the ability to customize instruction based on each student’s strengths and weaknesses while providing additional support that often leads to improved academic performance.

With this new focus on education technology, tutors will be even better equipped than ever before as they strive towards enhancing learning outcomes for all types of learners.

Education Technology

With a teaching degree, I can do much more than just teach. One avenue for career exploration is education technology. Education technology has become an integral part of the classroom and beyond, allowing educators to create engaging learning experiences for students remotely and in person.

There are many opportunities available with an understanding of education technology. School districts seek out technical consultants who understand how to implement new technologies into lesson plans in order to increase student engagement and success.

Educators may also find themselves working closely with government agencies as they develop or review policy related to integrating new technologies into classrooms. Nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving educational outcomes through the implementation of innovative technological solutions often hire professionals with teaching degrees as well.

The possibilities don’t end there! Professionals with expertise in both teaching and education technology can even find work outside of traditional schools if they want something different from their careers. From providing online tutoring services through third-party companies, to creating content that helps teachers use educational software more effectively – those looking for flexible employment options have plenty of choices when it comes to leveraging their knowledge and skillset gained from their teaching degree.

With these tools at hand, I’m ready move on to explore nonprofit management next.

Nonprofit Management

Transitioning from the discussion of Education Technology to Nonprofit Management, it’s important to note that there are a lot of opportunities to use your teaching degree for something other than just teaching. Not only can you help students in different ways but you may also be able to land a high-paying job that utilizes your degree.

Take nonprofit management, for example. Many nonprofits need people with expertise jobs in education and knowledge on how best to manage resources like money and time. A teaching degree provides an ideal set up for this kind of work because it allows you to take what you know about managing classrooms and apply those same principles to running a nonprofit organization or program. Here’s a breakdown of some potential best jobs:

Job TitleDescriptionSalary Range
Program Manager Manage programs & operations$50k – $100k
Director of DevelopmentRaise funds & awareness$60k – $125k
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)Develop financial plans$80k – $150k

In addition, there are many other positions that require the skillset provided by a teaching degree such as administrative assistant, human resource manager, curriculum specialist, school psychologist, etc. All these jobs may not pay as much as the above ones listed but they still provide unique opportunities for someone with a teaching degree to work outside the classroom setting and gain valuable experience in another field.

With all these possibilities available, one can see why having a teaching degree is so beneficial when looking for employment beyond the traditional route of being an educator. It opens doors into industries where people who understand education can make real differences in their communities through meaningful work. As we move onto discussing Educational Administration next, I’d like us to consider how our own personal background experiences equip us better serve our community through educational roles outside traditional settings.

Educational Administration

As a former educator, you’re probably wondering what other jobs are out there that use your degree. There are plenty of options beyond the traditional school teaching job! Here’s a list of five career paths to consider:

  • Educational Administration: Working as an administrator in either K-12 or postsecondary education gives you the chance to shape education policy and make decisions that can help improve educational outcomes for students. You could also serve as an advisor to teachers and administrators on best practices for instruction.
  • Curriculum Design & Instructional Coaching: If you have experience teaching math, reading, or any other subject area, there are opportunities to design curriculum for school districts or even develop instructional materials for online courses. Additionally, many schools hire coaches who work with teachers one-on-one to provide individualized feedback on their classroom practice.
  • Research & Evaluation: Former teachers often find success working in research and evaluation roles where they analyze data related to student achievement and evaluate programs meant to support student learning. This type of work requires strong analytical skills but is highly rewarding when it comes to making a difference in the lives of children.
  • Education Technology: With the rise of technology in classrooms across all grade levels, there is a need for people with teaching backgrounds who understand how digital tools can be used effectively within the context of instruction. Jobs for former teachers range from creating content for edtech platforms like Khan Academy or developing interactive simulations for virtual lessons.
  • Policy & Advocacy: In addition to direct service roles such as administration and coaching, former teachers can leverage their expertise by advocating for changes at the state level that will benefit students and educators alike. Organizations like Teach Plus focus specifically on recruiting experienced educators who want to influence policy change around issues like equitable funding and access to quality resources in schools.

These five careers show just some of the ways that your teaching degree can open doors into new professional opportunities outside of the traditional classroom setting. Whether you choose one of these pathways or explore something else entirely, know that your background has given you valuable skills that will serve you well no matter what direction you take next!

Online Teaching

Online Teaching

Leaving the classroom is a difficult decision for many teachers. But, it doesn’t mean they have to leave education entirely. There are plenty of alternative jobs for teachers in education available to those with a teaching degree that can provide similar work satisfaction and even more flexibility than traditional teaching roles.

One such job is online teaching. With this position, many teachers don’t need to worry about leaving the comfort of their own home or having limited time off during summer breaks. Online teaching provides an opportunity for teachers who want to stay in education but can no longer commit to full-time hours due to changing life circumstances like parenting or illness.

It also allows them to make money from anywhere in the world as long as there’s access to an internet connection. Additionally, lessons taught online may be more interactive and engaging than face-to-face instruction because students can use multimedia tools such as videos and audio recordings during class sessions.

The career options for someone with a teaching degree extend beyond what most people think of when considering educational positions – especially if you’re willing to explore other avenues outside the confines of a physical classroom setting. From creating curriculum materials used by schools nationwide to leading virtual classes on topics like coding or language learning, there are numerous opportunities out there waiting for teachers who aren’t ready or able to give up on their passion just yet!

Conclusion: What Jobs Can I Do With A Teaching Degree Besides Teaching?

It’s important to remember that a teaching degree opens up many doors, and you don’t have to stay in the classroom if it’s not for you. With a bit of research and determination, you can find yourself on an exciting new path in no time. The best way to begin is by researching what qualifications are needed for each field and then determining which one best fits your interests and skillset.

Once you’ve decided, look into any additional training or certifications that may be required. Now all you need to do is take action and start exploring all the great opportunities available with your teaching degree!


If you have a teaching degree, you can expect to make a decent salary. The average starting pay for those with a teaching degree is around $31,000 per year. With experience and additional credentials, the earning potential increases significantly – some teachers even earn upwards of $90,000 annually.

Generally speaking, entry level positions within related fields such as administration or tutoring will require at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Education. In order to gain access to more advanced roles like educational consultant or curriculum specialist, additional qualifications may be needed, such as postgraduate study or specialised certifications.

Special education is one option that involves working with kids who have learning disabilities and behavioral issues. You could also go into curriculum development or educational administration where you’d be helping create and shape the school’s programs.

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