Educational Consulting

Best Jobs For Former Teachers: Here Are Our Top Picks

Best Jobs For Former Teachers: Being a teacher is an incredibly rewarding job, but it’s not the only one that former teachers can excel in. After leaving their teaching career, many educators find success in other fields and make use of the skills they developed while teaching.

This article will explore some of the best jobs for former teachers to pursue after transitioning out of the classroom. Whether you are looking for a new challenge or interested in finding a more flexible work schedule, there are plenty of great opportunities available to those with a background as an educator.

Let’s get started!

Educational Consulting

Former teachers have the unique opportunity to use their experience and knowledge of education in a variety of ways outside of the classroom. One way is through educational consulting, where former teachers can use their expertise to help clients find solutions for their educational needs.

Educational Consulting
Educational Consulting

This could mean anything from providing marketing advice on how to advertise an educational product or service, creating materials for test preparation courses, or even designing entire curriculums. Educational consultants also often have the chance to work with clients one-on-one, making it a great job choice for those who miss teaching individual students.

With this type of position, former teachers can take advantage of the skills they already possess while still working independently and flexibly according to their own schedule. They can also continue learning more about different areas within the field by researching current trends and technologies relevant to their client’s needs.

Being able to stay up-to-date with new approaches in education will open up further opportunities as well as give them excellent resources when engaging with potential customers. These are just some of the reasons why becoming an educational consultant might be a good fit for former teachers looking for new professional paths.

It offers flexibility, personal autonomy, and continual growth that allows you to continually expand your knowledge base while helping others realize their goals. With these benefits in mind, transitioning into this kind of career is definitely worth considering if you’re seeking something beyond traditional teaching positions.

Moving onto other roles such as corporate trainer may provide Teacher Job Search yet another set of valuable experiences and helpful resources for former educators.

Corporate Trainer

Educational consulting is a great job for former teachers who are looking to transition from the classroom. It allows them to use their knowledge of teaching, curriculum development, and assessment to help students reach their academic goals.

Corporate Trainer
Corporate Trainer

However, for some former teachers, educational consulting may feel too close to what they were doing in the classroom before leaving education. For those individuals, becoming a corporate trainer might be more appealing.

As a corporate trainer, former teachers can still utilize many of the skills that job search for teachers. Corporate trainers often conduct workshops on topics such as corporate etiquette, employee engagement, and professional development – all areas where previous experience in the classroom will come in handy!

Training sessions vary greatly depending on each company’s need. Trainers might teach large groups or focus on one-on-one instruction with individual employees. They must also be able to adapt quickly if there is an unexpected shift during training due to changes within the organization or budget constraints.

No matter what kind of classes they’re leading, corporate trainers have the unique opportunity to apply their expertise while helping others hone important skills that contribute towards success in the workplace. By leveraging their past experiences as instructors along with new challenges presented by different companies’ needs, trainers can make meaningful contributions to both organizations and people alike.

With this background in mind it’s easy to see why transitioning into being a technology specialist could be a logical next step for former teachers looking for something new and exciting.

Technology Specialist

Technology Specialists are becoming increasingly popular among former teachers. With the rise of educational technology, there is a need for people with expertise in technical support and foreign language.

Technology Specialists offer unique services to schools, providing them with resources that can help promote student achievement. They often provide assistance on issues related to software applications, hardware systems, network administration, or web development.

The role of a Technology Specialist involves more than just technical knowledge; they must also be able to effectively communicate with students, faculty members, and administrators while helping solve any technological problems they may encounter. As such, strong interpersonal skills are essential to this position.

Furthermore, successful Technology Specialists must have a thorough understanding explore edtech jobs for former educators instruction and computer science principles in order to best serve their clients.

With an ever-growing demand for qualified professionals who understand the demands of both education and technology, those who have experience as a teacher could find themselves well suited to pursue this career path. This type of job provides ample opportunity for growth within the field as new technologies continue to emerge over time.

A great way to get involved would be by taking courses or workshops that focus specifically on educational technology and how it’s applied in today’s learning environment. By doing so, former educators will gain valuable insight into how they can use their teaching background to succeed in this industry. Moving forward into writing or editing roles might then become an option worth exploring further down the line.

Writing Or Editing

Writing or editing is an excellent career option for former teachers. It allows them to use their vast knowledge and expertise of the English language, as well as their understanding of communication and storytelling.

Writing also provides a way for ex-teachers to stay connected with educational topics. They can write content such as blog posts, articles, curriculum materials and even social media campaigns related to educational marketing. Additionally, they can create content that aligns more closely with other forms of marketing like social media marketing and content marketing.

For those who have experience in online education, writing or editing offers another avenue for them to explore. With so many people now learning through virtual platforms, there are ample opportunities for someone to provide support and guidance on how best to communicate ideas effectively in this medium.

Having the ability to craft persuasive copy tailored specifically for digital formats will be highly sought after by employers looking for experts in this field. Moreover, ex-teachers’ previous experiences teaching students both traditionally and virtually makes them well-suited candidates when it comes to tapping into the potential of online education markets.

Overall, writing or editing presents a unique opportunity for former teachers who want to stay close to the educational world while exploring new avenues within the communications industry. This profession grants them access not only to traditional outlets but also emerging fields such as social media and content creation – all skillsets which offer great value in today’s modern economy.

As a result, these individuals may find themselves in high demand among employers seeking experienced professionals capable of adapting quickly to rapidly changing trends within the industry.

Online Education

Another great job for former teachers is online education. With the rise of distance learning, there are many opportunities available to those who have a background in teaching and want to work from home or remotely.

The following bullet points list some potential careers in this field:

  • Homeschool Support – Providing guidance and resources to parents looking to homeschool their children.
  • Special Education Advocacy – Assisting families with special needs students by providing personalized instruction and support services.
  • Distance Learning Instructor – Developing curriculum materials and delivering lessons via video conferencing or other remote platforms.

Online education can be a rewarding career path for former teachers as it allows them to continue working with students while also having more flexibility than traditional classroom settings offer. It also provides an opportunity for them to share their knowledge and expertise with people around the world.

Moreover, they can use their experience to develop creative ways of engaging learners virtually and ensure that everyone receives quality instruction regardless of geographic location or economic status. Moving on from here, another option for former educators is becoming a virtual assistant.

Virtual Assistant

Life after teaching doesn’t have to be entirely removed from the profession. Becoming a virtual assistant brings with it many of the skills acquired as a teacher, such as organization and communication. But it also offers job security and an opportunity for career change into something new.

Virtual assistant jobs can vary in scope; some may involve managing digital marketing campaigns, while others could include creating content or even basic administrative tasks.

For former teachers who possess strong organizational skills, this type of work can be quite rewarding. With technology constantly evolving, there is no shortage of potential clients looking for help – meaning that there is plenty of room for growth within the field.

The advantages don’t end here either: because most virtual assistants are independent contractors, they enjoy flexible scheduling and often set their own rates. This gives them control over how much they want to work and how much money they want to make each month – both attractive benefits when considering making a big career switch like this one.

Making the transition from teacher to virtual assistant isn’t always easy but allows those interested in applying their existing knowledge towards something more creative or dynamic than traditional education settings to do so without compromising on job security or experience-building opportunities.

By taking advantage of these available options, former teachers can find success in their next chapter–without ever leaving behind what made them great educators in the first place. From here, transitioning into tutoring presents yet another way to put those same beloved skills to use again.


Tutoring is a great job for former teachers who want to stay connected with education. It provides an opportunity to work one-on-one with students, helping them develop the skills they need to succeed in their studies, while also tapping into the teacher’s experience and expertise.

With distance learning becoming increasingly popular due to COVID-19, tutors are now able to provide services online, making it easier than ever for both student and tutor alike. Additionally, many tutors offer student counseling services as well as help creating course outlines or design support.

This type of flexible teaching allows former teachers to use their knowledge of pedagogy without having all of the pressures associated with classroom teaching. Tutors can focus on providing subject specific support at times when it works best for them and the student; this makes working as a tutor more attractive than other jobs that require long hours and/or working nights or weekends.

By connecting students with resources and information tailored specifically for them, tutors can make an incredible impact on their success inside and outside of the classroom. Being a tutor offers numerous benefits – from being your own boss to setting your own schedule – but most importantly you get to help others reach their academic goals.

This could be anything from improving grades in math class to preparing for college entrance exams – no matter how big or small the task may be, every accomplishment is worth celebrating! Transitioning out of traditional teaching roles does not have to mean giving up on impacting young lives; instead it opens up opportunities like tutoring which empowers both student and tutor in different ways.

Test Prep Instructor

Teachers have a unique set of skills and experience that can be applied to many different fields. A great job option for teachers is becoming a test prep instructor – an opportunity to share their expertise and help students reach their educational goals.

With this profession, former teachers can take advantage of the knowledge they already possess on teaching methods and curriculum development while developing new strategies for effective learning outcomes. They will also benefit from professional development opportunities such as lesson planning, time management training, and other courses related to successful tutoring.

Here are some key components needed to become a successful test prep instructor:

  • Developing engaging and effective lesson plans tailored towards individual student needs
  • Implementing creative approaches to test-taking strategies
  • Incorporating real world applications into instruction

The next step in transitioning into alternative careers after teaching is becoming a curriculum developer…

Curriculum Developer

After taking their teaching skills to the test prep classroom, transitioning teachers may find that a career as a curriculum developer is the perfect next step.

This role involves designing course material for students, using research and evaluations to ensure courses are up-to-date with current standards. Curriculum developers might also be involved in developing mentoring programs or providing career guidance for those considering entering into education fields.

In this profession, former teachers can use their prior experience to create comprehensive lesson plans which meet both state and national educational guidelines. Moreover, they can bring their expertise of course evaluation techniques to help improve the quality of existing curriculums while creating new ones.

Working closely with educators who have different levels of experience allows them to stay connected with the industry and gain insight on how best practices should be implemented within classrooms.

Using these combined skillsets, curriculum developers can provide valuable support services throughout an educational institution by helping shape its direction through modernizing courses and reviewing student feedback.

Furthermore, they can work directly with school administrators when making big decisions regarding policies or procedures surrounding educational delivery models in order to make sure learning objectives are met effectively.

As such, it’s clear that being a successful curriculum developer requires a deep understanding of the teaching field plus excellent organizational capabilities – something many former teachers already possess! With this knowledge readily available, exploring opportunities as an educator administrator could offer further professional growth potential.

Education Administrator

As a former teacher, the next logical career step is to become an Education Administrator. This role provides an opportunity to take your experience in the classroom and apply it on a larger scale.

By taking on this position, you can help establish educational philanthropy initiatives that benefit those who need it most, strategize school marketing efforts from both online and offline perspectives, as well as mentor teachers within your district or organization.

Not only does becoming an Education Administrator give you the chance to make a greater impact on today’s students but also you have more flexibility with when and where you work. You will be able to stay connected with education while having additional free time for yourself and family life. The ability to contribute to progress within the field of education from a leadership standpoint is extremely rewarding!

Overall, transitioning into an Education Administrator role gives former teachers an avenue for making positive changes at their schools or organizations. There are many opportunities available that allow people in this role to flex their creative muscles while impacting numerous lives along the way. Moving forward, let us explore how one might enter the world of Educational Sales Representative.

Educational Sales Representative

Educational Sales Representatives are a great career transition for former teachers. They use their teaching skills to promote curriculum and marketing materials in the educational field. These professionals stay up-to-date on industry trends, allowing them to provide quality customer service and support for clients.

Educational Sales Representative
Educational Sales Representative

Benefits of becoming an Educational Sales Representative include:

  • Networking with educators from all over the country
  • Developing relationships with leading companies in the education market
  • Applying existing knowledge of curriculum material to help customers find just what they need
  • Working closely with schools or districts as they transition into new technology or products

Overall, this role can be rewarding due to its potential for personal growth and professional development. As such, it may be a perfect fit for someone looking to make a career change while relying on foundational knowledge gained through teaching experience.

From here, transitioning into an Instructional Designer is another logical step that many former teachers take when exploring different job opportunities within the education sector.

Instructional Designer

Becoming an instructional designer is a great job for former teachers. Instructional designers use their educational experience to create effective and efficient learning experiences, often through the use of technology. Not only do they work with educational materials in traditional classroom settings, but also design online programs and provide support remotely.

From creating online tutoring services to developing instructional software, there are many opportunities available to those interested in this field. The following table outlines some key elements of being an instructional designer:

Online TutoringDesigning online tutoring sessions and providing direct instruction on topics such as math or language arts
Instructional SoftwareDeveloping interactive applications that allow students to learn content and practice skills independently at home or school 
Educational Technology Advising schools on how to integrate new technologies into their curriculum while staying compliant with current standards and laws related to student data protection

As you can see, becoming an instructional designer offers plenty of options for former teachers who want to bring their knowledge into the digital age. With the right set of skills, you can be part of something bigger than yourself – revolutionizing education around the world. From here we transition seamlessly into exploring another profession within the same industry – educational psychologist.

Educational Psychologist

Educational Psychologists are a great choice for former teachers. They interact with students and families to develop an understanding of child development, learning processes, and educational resources.

Educational psychologists also work with special education teams to create individualized plans that address the needs of each student. They use research-based assessments and interventions to help students reach their fullest potential in school settings.

With this position, former teachers can continue using their teaching experience while exploring new areas such as psychology, assessment and intervention strategies. As they gain more knowledge in these fields, they will be better equipped to assist children with various difficulties.

Furthermore, they have the opportunity to collaborate with other professionals from different disciplines—including guidance counselors, speech therapists, social workers and psychiatrists—to provide comprehensive support for students’ academic success.

This job is ideal for those who want to explore alternative career paths related to education but don’t necessarily need direct classroom instruction anymore. With ample opportunities for professional development and growth within the field of educational psychology, it’s no surprise why so many former teachers pursue this option.

Next up: instructional coordinators–professionals working behind-the-scenes on curriculum design initiatives!

Instructional Coordinator

Building on the educational psychologist’s role in assessing students, instructional coordinators are responsible for developing and delivering curriculum to meet student needs.

They collaborate with teachers, administrators and other stakeholders to develop lesson plans, assess learning materials, and provide professional development opportunities. Instructional coordinators must possess a deep understanding of both pedagogy and assessment strategies.

Instructional coordinators work closely with other educators within their school or district – they may be tasked with creating educational programs that address specific subject-matter needs; identify outsourced instruction services that can benefit struggling learners; lead projects focused on project based learning initiatives; connect businesses to schools through internships or externship opportunities; or mentor students as they transition into postsecondary education.

Here is a list of activities related to this position:

  • Developing remote learning technologies
  • Conducting classroom observations
  • Supervising student assessments
  • Facilitating student mentoring sessions

The job of an instructional coordinator requires strong communication skills, broad knowledge of research-based best practices in teaching and learning, facility with technology tools used to support instruction and assessment processes, and experience working collaboratively with teams of individuals from diverse backgrounds.

This versatile skill set makes it possible for former teachers to find meaningful roles in K–12 settings beyond the traditional classroom environment. From here we move onto discussing the role of an Education Policy Analyst.

Education Policy Analyst

An education policy analyst is a great job for former teachers. It allows them to use their experience and knowledge in the field of education to help shape policies that could potentially have positive implications on teaching, student learning, and school funding.

Education Policy Analyst
Education Policy Analyst

Education policy analysts analyze data related to teacher evaluation, classroom instruction, school performance measures, and other issues relevant to educational policy implementation. They carry out research studies and report findings through written reports or presentations while considering how they can be used by decision makers at various levels within the school system.

Being an education policy analyst also provides opportunities for former teachers to stay connected with the current trends in education and become more aware of new initiatives being adopted at schools across the country. Analysts must have strong communication skills as well as quantitative analysis skills in order to effectively communicate research results to stakeholders from all backgrounds.

Additionally, this position requires problem-solving abilities so that any potential problems resulting from policy change can be addressed accordingly. Education policy analysts play an important role in creating better learning environments for students throughout the United States – something many former teachers are passionate about doing.

With this work comes responsibility but also immense satisfaction when helping create high-paying career options for ex-teachers that benefit both students and educators alike.


It’s clear that former teachers have a lot of options when it comes to pursuing a new career. With the right qualifications, you can become an educational consultant, corporate trainer, technology specialist, online educator or even an educational sales rep.

Although some jobs are more competitive than others and require specific skillsets and experience in order to be successful, there are plenty of opportunities out there for those with teaching backgrounds. With the right research and determination, you’re sure to find a job that fits your needs and allows you to continue using your expertise in education.


For former teachers looking to transition into a new career, educational sales representative is an excellent opportunity. This role involves connecting with educators and schools to promote products or services related to teaching and learning.

Career paths in this field can vary depending on the company you work for, so it’s important to research professional networking opportunities in order to make connections and build relationships.

Salary expectations are typically based on commission, experience level, and size of the organization—so doing your research ahead of time is key!

Becoming an online education instructor requires experience in distance learning, curriculum design, and instructional design. The amount of experience needed will depend on the job requirements and expectations; some employers may simply require a college degree while others need years of hands-on teaching and/or administrative work within educational institutions.

Additionally, many programs look for candidates with prior experience designing courses or working as instructors for virtual classrooms. Ultimately, having more extensive knowledge about the field can give potential applicants an advantage when seeking these positions.

As a technology specialist, you’ll need to be well-versed in the latest virtual learning platforms and project management tools. You should also have strong data analysis skills so that you can interpret information quickly and make decisions based on your findings.

Additionally, it’s important to stay up-to-date with emerging technologies, as this will help you provide more value to clients or employers.

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