
Part Time Art Teacher Jobs: Best Jobs For Aspiring Educators

Part time art teacher jobs are a great opportunity for those interested in pursuing their passion of teaching art. It allows teachers to gain experience, develop relationships with students, and get paid while doing something they love. Whether someone is looking to start their career or supplement existing income, part-time art teacher jobs can provide the perfect solution.

Part-time art teachers have many advantages over full-time positions. They often work fewer hours per week, allowing them more time to pursue other interests outside of teaching. Additionally, they may find that the smaller class sizes foster better student engagement and deeper connections within their classes.

Furthermore, part-time art teachers typically enjoy greater flexibility when it comes to setting their own schedule and planning lessons around specific topics or projects.

Types Of Part-Time Art Teacher Jobs

Artists can combine their love of teaching with professional skill in the area by working as part-time art teachers. There are other alternatives for part-time employment, including teaching group lessons at an after-school program or tutoring single pupils.

When working with students, teachers must employ engaging strategies to ensure that they are having fun while learning. Teaching resources such as books, videos, and worksheets can help supplement lessons about drawing techniques, color theory, and art history. Every lesson should provide something new and interesting so that students remain engaged throughout the class.

The requirements for becoming a part-time art instructor vary depending on the company; nevertheless, most companies seek applicants with excellent interpersonal skills, patience, creativity, understanding of various art-making techniques, and prior experience producing their own works of art.

A background in education may also be beneficial if you’re looking to teach more than just basic art concepts – having some understanding of how children learn best can greatly benefit your instruction style. Additionally, knowing how to plan effective lessons based on age level objectives is important for ensuring quality teaching outcomes.

No matter what type of job you find yourself taking on as a part-time art teacher, being organized and prepared will always be key components of success. Being able to communicate clearly with both adults and children is also integral since there may be times where parents need to be updated on student progress or feedback from administrators needs addressing quickly.

With these traits combined with an enthusiasm for helping others explore their creative sides through visual arts mediums like painting or sculpture, any aspiring artist has everything they need to excel in this rewarding field. Moving forward we’ll examine the specific qualifications required by potential employers when considering hiring someone for a part-time art teaching position.

Qualifications For Part-Time Art Teacher Jobs

Educational Qualifications for part-time art teacher jobs typically require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in art education or a related field.

Some employers may also ask for teaching certification. When it comes to teaching experience, employers may prefer candidates who have already held part-time or full-time art teacher positions.

However, candidates with related volunteer or internship experience may also be considered.

Educational Qualifications

For those seeking to become a part-time art teacher, there are certain educational qualifications that must be met. To obtain licensure and certification requirements, a Bachelor’s degree in Art Education or Fine Arts is typically necessary. Additionally, candidates may need to complete an approved program for teachers which could include coursework on topics like classroom management and instructional strategies.

Degrees such as liberal arts degrees with concentrations in the visual arts can also provide potential employers with proof of your knowledge and understanding of artistic concepts. In order to stand out among other candidates applying for the same position, it might be beneficial to pursue additional certifications or continuing education credits beyond the basic licensing criteria.

With these credentials in hand, you will have the tools needed to make yourself a competitive applicant for any available art teaching positions.

Teaching Experience

Having the educational qualifications is an important step to becoming a part-time art teacher, but having prior teaching experience can also be beneficial.

Mentoring opportunities such as student teaching or apprenticeships provide practical experience in engaging with students and implementing creative strategies into lessons.

Working in classrooms with veteran teachers gives aspiring instructors a chance to learn instructional tips and tricks that they may not have been exposed to during their formal education.

Having this kind of hands-on learning can give applicants an edge over those who only possess theoretical knowledge from coursework alone.

Ultimately, demonstrating proof of your ability to effectively use creative strategies for successful student engagement will make you highly desirable for potential employers.

Working Hours And Flexibility

I think it’s great that there are part time art teacher jobs that offer flexible schedules.

It’s important to have some flexibility with working hours so you can still be productive.

Depending on the job, hours per week can range greatly.

Having a flexible schedule can help make sure you’re able to balance work and life.

Flexible Schedules

Self-employment, online teaching and freelance opportunities provide flexible working hours for part time art teacher jobs. With these options, teachers can choose when they work without having to adhere to a strict 9-5 schedule like many traditional jobs require. This means that those with other commitments such as parenting or studying are able to find the freedom of planning their own day around those tasks while still earning an income from their job.

Working remotely also allows them to take on more than one role at once due to being able to manage multiple projects simultaneously. Furthermore this flexibility helps teachers have better control over their lives by enabling them to fit in activities outside of work into their daily routine as opposed to always feeling obligated towards professional duties.

Giving individuals the freedom to live a balanced existence is advantageous for their mental health as well as for giving them a feeling of purpose and contentment with the course their lives are taking.

Hours Per Week

The length of time spent at a job can vary significantly depending on factors like working hours and flexibility. Some positions require longer shifts while others are more suited for shorter ones.

This makes job availability easier to find since employers have more options when hiring part-time staff. It also means that people with different skill requirements can be accommodated within the same workplace as long as they meet their employer’s needs.

For example, those with language skills may opt for teaching roles which involve fewer hours per week compared to administrative tasks where full-time commitment is often necessary.

Ultimately, this type of flexible scheduling allows art teachers to determine how much work they do each week without being confined by traditional 9-5 structure.

Salary And Benefits

I’m curious to know what the pay rate is for part time art teacher jobs.

  • Do they offer any health insurance benefits?
  • What about retirement plans?
  • I’m sure that would be a great incentive for people considering this type of job.
  • Do they offer any other benefits to go along with the salary?

I’m sure this info would be helpful for anyone looking for a job in this field.

Let’s discuss the salary and benefits of part time art teacher jobs.

Pay Rate

Pay rate is a major consideration for anyone looking to become an art teacher. Job expectations, job experience, and job satisfaction all factor into the pay rate offered by employers.

Someone with more teaching experience will usually be able to negotiate higher wages than someone starting out in their career. Part-time art teachers might anticipate to make, on average, between $13 and $20 per hour, depending on the school system or organization they work for.

Make sure you know what’s included in your compensation package before accepting a position. Benefits like health insurance may or may not be available to part-time workers. Additionally, if you are passionate about education and helping students learn, then a lower salary won’t necessarily deter you from finding great joy in the work that comes with being an art teacher.

Health Insurance

When considering a job as an art teacher, it’s important to understand the benefits offered.

Health insurance is often included in these packages, and there are usually several affordable plans available. You might be able to select from a variety of coverage alternatives, including provider networks, depending on your job or school district. Having the appropriate level of protection when you need it most will depend on whatever plan works best for you.

It’s also worth noting that if health insurance isn’t part of the package with your position, many employers offer supplemental plans so consider researching those too.

Ultimately, understanding what type of salary and benefits come along with any job can help inform your decision-making process before accepting a new role as an art teacher.

Retirement Plans

When deciding to take a job as an art teacher, it’s important to look at the retirement plans offered.

Retirement planning is essential in ensuring that you have enough money saved when your career comes to an end. Depending on your employer or school district, there may be various tax implications associated with different retirement options available.

Financial planning should be the foundation for determining which approach works best for you and how much cash you need to set aside for the future.

In the end, making sure that each of these elements functions well will guarantee that you are ready for retirement.

Preparing For An Interview

When it comes to interviews for part-time art teacher jobs, knowledge of role expectations and preparation are key.

  • To start, research the position being applied for so that you can articulate what makes you a great fit for the job during the interview.
  • Have questions ready about the school’s curriculum, available resources, and any other topics related to teaching art in their specific environment.
  • It is also important to have an updated portfolio with examples of your work to show off your skill set.
  • Finally, practice presenting your portfolio ahead of time so that you feel confident when it’s time to share it with potential employers.

The next step is finding part-time art teacher jobs.

  • Searching online job boards or connecting with industry professionals through networking events like art shows or conferences may help uncover open positions.
  • Additionally, many schools post openings on their own websites as well as on third party sites like Indeed or Glassdoor; these listings often provide more detailed information about the roles they are looking to fill than those found elsewhere.
  • Regardless of where you find open positions, apply promptly and tailor each resume submission according to the skills needed by that particular employer if possible.
  • When a call back arrives, be sure to review all materials thoroughly before going into the interview so that you know exactly what kind of job you would be signing up for should an offer come through successfully.

With thorough preparation and confidence in yourself, landing a part-time art teaching job could become a reality!

Finding Part-Time Art Teacher Jobs

Doing research and reaching out to employers is an invaluable step in finding part-time art teacher jobs. With the right preparation, you can land a job that allows you to share your passion for art with others. Here are four key steps to take:

  1. Search online job postings – Look up jobs on various websites such as Indeed, Monster, and Glassdoor. This will give you an idea of what positions exist and where they’re located.
  2. Network with people who work in the industry – Reach out to artists or teachers who may know about openings at their workplace or other places nearby. You never know who might be able to help!
  3. Build your portfolio – Put together a portfolio of your best artwork so that potential employers can see what kind of artist you are and what skills you bring to the table.
  4. Contact potential employers directly – If there isn’t a job posting available, don’t be afraid to reach out yourself and introduce yourself as someone interested in teaching art classes part-time.

By taking these proactive steps, you’ll increase your chances of successfully securing a part-time art teacher position. Start by doing some research – it could open many doors!

Applying And Networking

Now that you have found potential part-time art teacher jobs, it is time to apply and network. Networking can be a powerful tool in helping you get the right job. To do this effectively, there are some strategies to consider when looking for part-time teaching opportunities:

Mentoring peersReach out and develop relationships with other teachers who may be able to provide advice or even help you secure a position at their school.
NetworkingUtilize social media platforms like LinkedIn, as well as attending networking events such as conferences or workshops related to your field of interest. 
Resume WritingMake sure your resume stands out from the rest by highlighting experiences and skills relevant to being an art teacher. Keep it concise but include any special qualifications or awards that make you stand out.

Networking is essential in order to find the perfect job fit that meets both yours and the employer’s needs. When done properly, it can result in success stories where not only will you have secured employment but possibly also made lifelong connections along the way. It’s important to keep these strategies in mind while developing your own personal approach on how best to use them.

The next step after applying is negotiating contracts – something which requires clear communication between yourself and the employer regarding expectations and responsibilities of each party involved.

Negotiating Contracts

When negotiating a contract for a part-time art teacher job, it’s important to be aware of the following:

  1. Know your worth – research salaries in your area and use that as leverage when discussing potential pay with employers.
  2. Make sure you read through the entire contract before signing off on anything. Pay attention to the specifics; for example, what is expected of you regarding attendance? Do you have access to materials or do you need to provide them yourself?
  3. Don’t miss out on potential benefits from the employer such as professional development opportunities or tuition reimbursement. Negotiating these could make all the difference in terms of salary and overall satisfaction with the job.
  4. Be prepared to negotiate during initial conversations about salary and don’t forget to advocate for yourself throughout the process – there are plenty of tips online that can help with this!

Before accepting any offers, make sure they meet your expectations so that both parties walk away feeling satisfied with their agreement.

It’s helpful if each side understands where they stand and how they will benefit from their partnership while ensuring everyone involved is comfortable with the negotiated details.

Put together a list of questions ahead of time so that you can address any concerns or unanswered issues right away rather than later down the road when communication may become strained due to misunderstandings or unmet expectations.


To conclude, part-time art teaching jobs, including the teacher job search, can be incredibly fulfilling. You get to share your love of the arts with others while making a steady income. To ensure success in this profession, I recommend gaining experience and researching potential job opportunities, including the teacher job search. Additionally, it’s crucial to be aware of any unique requirements or assistance offered to part-time art teachers.

You’ll have all the resources required for a fruitful career as an art instructor if you keep these suggestions in mind!


Here are some responsibilities and pursuits that art instructors engage in on a daily basis: arranging for assignments and class projects. Maintaining and ordering supplies. evaluating assignments and keeping track of student progress.

The 25th percentile is $33,000. Payscales below this are unusual. The 75th percentile is $52,000.

The usual salary range for art teachers is between $40,000 and $62,000 annually. Art instructors typically get $24.13 per hour in pay. How much an art instructor may expect to earn depends on their location, background, and experience. In Connecticut, New York, Alaska, Washington, and Maryland, art instructors earn the highest salaries.

Categories: Career

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